Zorgverzekeraars NL
Developments in healthcare are rapidly evolving. New technologies and changing demographics call for and allow innovations in our healthcare system. The face of healthcare will significantly transform in the upcoming years. Insurers aim to facilitate these changes in healthcare and continuously evolve themselves in the process.
Emerging technological capabilities will bring about significant shifts. On one hand, we observe an increasing level of specialization in healthcare. Simultaneously, healthcare will also need to focus more on patients' preferences and needs, often occurring at home or in close proximity. The rigid boundaries between prevention, well-being, care, and cure will start to blur.
"Every patient should have the choice of digital healthcare," state the Patient Federation Netherlands and the Dutch Health Insurers Association (ZN). Together with healthcare providers and organizations, they aim to expand the scope of digital healthcare over the next few years, familiarizing patients with its possibilities and benefits. "Finding the right balance between digital and physical care within the triangle of patient, healthcare provider, and health insurer is crucial. Our main challenge for sustainable healthcare lies in enabling healthcare professionals to focus as much as possible on delivering the best care to patients," emphasized Petra van Holst, General Director of the Dutch Health Insurers Association (ZN).