Aridhia and Vancis signed this partnership agreement mid-2015, immediately followed by the announcement of Aridhia they wanted to expand their operations outside the UK. It is to be expected that this collaboration opens up a lot of job opportunities in both Scotland and the Netherlands.
RSRCH-Health was first established in early 2016, based on Aridhia's AnalytiXagility data analysis platform. It was to deliver a digital research environment to Radboudumc Nijmegen in a three-year deal, making it the first University Medical Centre in the Netherlands to offer a digital platform to all research teams across the institution. Radboudumc is currently rolling out RSRCH-Health across the entire organisation, providing analytical workspaces for up to 1600 research projects to accelerate the delivery of research studies into clinical practice.
Chris Roche, Aridhia’s CEO, said of the new company: "The development of AnalytiXagility into a tailored offering for the Netherlands’ market is very exciting for Aridhia and is validation that our platform is precisely what research-driven organisations need to achieve the best outcomes. Research teams worldwide are realising the value in wide-scale collaboration around data, and together with Vancis and MGRID, we believe that RSRCH-Health represents an answer to the data challenges that they face."
A unique on-demand, secure platform
Eli Berkelmans, RSRCH Managing Director said: "RSRCH-Health gives us the means to deliver a unique on-demand, secure platform service specifically catering to the needs of researchers. It is already being used at Radboudumc by a number of showcase projects and thanks to word-of-mouth, it is generating interest across Europe. We’re excited about the opportunities this opens up to us and, more importantly, to research teams worldwide."
The RSRCH-Health platform is equipped with Aridhia's existing AnalytiXagility services with infrastructure expertise from Vancis and MGRID's Aperture, which speeds up creation of datasets for clinical research, to deliver a self-service capability which answers the specific requirements of the Netherland's market.
RSRCH-Health is available via the Amsterdam based RSRCH team and is suitable for individual studies, or as the digital environment for all projects within a research-driven institution. This partnership contributes to Aridhia’s growing portfolio of European projects as it exports AnalytiXagility to prominent research collaborations across the continent, including the ground-breaking European Prevention of Alzheimer’s Dementia (EPAD) project, an Innovative Medicines Initiative funded research programme.