Mental healthcare programme at ICT&health World Conference

Fri 24 January 2025
Mental Health

During the ICT&health World Conference, mental healthcare will be given a prominent place, which is much needed. Like the rest of healthcare, the mental health sector faces major challenges, such as increasing demand for care, staff shortages and increasing accessibility.

To address these challenges, Thubble has developed a special mental healthcare programme in cooperation with the Dutch GGZ. This programme provides a stage for inspiring keynotes, interactive sessions and international case studies that contribute to developing future-proof solutions for mental healthcare.

Leading experts

During this conference, leading experts, including Professor David Clark (founder of Improving Access to Psychological Therapies, now: Talking Therapies) and Professor Anil Thapliyal (director of eMental Health International Collaborative), will share their insights, strategies and concrete solutions. Discover how digital innovations contribute to a transformation of the mental health sector, and be inspired by success stories from home and abroad.

The specially developed programme focuses on themes such as data-driven care, value-driven treatment models and putting experiential expertise at the heart of innovation. This makes the mental health programme an essential part of the ICT&health World Conference 2025.

Sessions within the gz programme:

Wednesday 29 January 2025

  • 12:25 - 13:05 CollaborAction: How On-Demand Care Models Like Thubble Can Transform Mental Health and Accessibility in the Netherlands
    Speaker: Fennie Wiepkema (Thubble, part of Dimence Groep)
    Learn how on-demand care models like Thubble contribute to better accessibility and faster assistance in the mental health sector. Sign up here!
  • 13:45 - 14:25 Lived Experience at the Center: Driving Mental Health Transformation Through Patient-Centered Innovation
    Speakers: Anil Thapliyal (eMHIC), Taimi Allan (Mental Health Commissioner South Australia) Juliët Holtschlag (MIND)
    An interactive session on how experiential expertise can be central to mental health innovation. Sign up here!
  • 16:30 - 17:00 [Keynote] Reimagining Mental Health Care - Leveraging Digital Solutions for Enhanced Access and Outcome
    Speaker: Anil Thapliyal (eMHIC)
    Discover how digital solutions can cause a paradigm shift in the accessibility and effectiveness of mental health care, and how other countries are already leading the way in this. Sign up here!

Thursday 30 January 2025

  • 12:25 - 13:05 [Keynote] Scaling a Data-Driven Workforce for Mental Health Transformation
    Speaker: David Clark, Emeritus Professor of Experimental Psychology, Oxford University
    An inspiring keynote on lessons from the successful Improving Access to Psychological Therapies programme (now: ‘Talking Therapies’) in the UK and how these can be translated into a data-driven approach for the mental health sector in the Netherlands. Sign up here!

From 28 to 30 January 2025, we open the doors for the 2nd ICT&health World Conference. A world full of ground-breaking developments, smart technologies and valuable insights that will shape the future of healthcare and your healthcare organisation.