Although the hospital had introduced biometric scanning and electronic check-in to verify patients’ identities during registration, it continued to distribute paper registration forms for them to complete manually. Some patients found the clipboard of multiple forms difficult to navigate and redundant to forms previously submitted at some other NYU Langone sites (200 in all-in the New York area).
Tablet-based solution
Solving this inefficient paper process proved critical to achieving a better digital health experience for NYU Langone patients, HIMSS writes. Based upon feedback from its patients, NYU Langone developed a tablet-based solution allowing patients to review documents in their preferred languages before electronically signing them. This documentation then became instantaneously and securely available throughout the health system, averting needless duplication of effort.
According to NYU Langone the implementation of paperless registration led to multiple improvements. With savings such as:
- An estimated 800 days of registration time for patients;
- Almost $450,000 in annual expense due to reduced registration time
- Close to 527 trees based on reduction in paper usage.
Achievements in health information technology
NYU Langone, recipient of the 2017 HIMSS Enterprise Nicholas E. Davies Award, prides itself on its achievements in health information technology and credits its most recent accomplishments to their implementation and continual optimization of electronic health record systems. In addition to paperless registration, NYU Langone has derived significant value from creating electronic clinical pathways for heart failure, pneumonia, and colon surgery as well as care coordination systems for joint replacement and cardiovascular surgery.
“At NYU Langone Health, we view technology as a critical element in connecting our patients and providers, and transforming care,” HIMSS quotes Nader Mherabi, senior vice president and vice dean, chief information officer at NYU Langone Health.“Our goal has always been to create a seamless patient experience across the institution's complex network of facilities and locations and securely manage volumes of health records. We’re proud that the hard work we’ve put towards improving patient care has been recognized through this prestigious award.”
According to Jonathan French, CPHIMS, senior director of quality and patient safety and Davies program director with HIMSS, NYU Langone has “significantly improved quality and patient safety outcomes for their diverse patient population across a complex environment.”