Let me answer that through a story.
My childhood dream was to become an astronaut. There are many others who also have space travel as their life goal, but I actually started to exercise six days a week just to achieve this purpose – and I still do. However, on 27 March 2016 I suffered a heavy muscle inflammation due to over-straining. I felt crushed. I had to stop exercising for more than two months. This period had a serious negative effect on my emotional as well as my cognitive health. I knew I had to somehow solve how to do some sport every day, otherwise my brain could not focus hard enough – therefore preventing me from working as effectively.
Technologies will continue to advance at an amazing rate
My most useful aid was DATA. I chose Fitbit mainly due to the GPS-factor, the design and the widely known brand – it was the first watch to include all-day fitness tracking. So I started using it every day.
Until my muscle inflammation, I worked out every day for 30 minutes on average. After 27 March 2016, my daily average dropped to 10.9 minutes, and this lasted for the more than two-month long rest period. Once I could start my recovery, and I bought my Fitbit, I was able to increase my average workout to 41.2 minutes per day (!). My performance skyrocketed due to Fitbit. I had the motivation, of course, but I have to admit I could not reach this level of activity without the data. I realized that I was running, playing football or doing more TRX workout because I wanted my results to look better on my Fitbit-screen. It might sound silly, but it does work.