Rockstart opens up new Digital Health Accelerator program

Thu 23 June 2016

According to Rockstarts website, the time table is as follows: in August the top 50 participants will be selected. In September a top 25 will be selected. They can present their ideas in the Dutch city Nijmegen. Finally, later that month the 10 best ideas will be selected to participate in the Digital Health Accelerator program.

In this 180 days program all participants will receive support in developing a business model, a product design and in finding a market for their product. Besides an initial funding of 20,000 euro they will be provide with office space and legal and financial support, which is good for another 55,000 – 77,000 euro.

Rockstart also promises access to a customer line up that can lead up to between 300k and 575 k worth of deals. In exchange for this, Rockstart gets an equity stake in each startup of between 5-8 percent.

All-in all Rockstart, presenting itself as Europe’s number 1 accelerator, has helped 68 startups underway in three different segments: ‘digital health, ‘Web & Mobile’ en ‘Smart Energy’. Rockstart works together with the Nijmegen Radboudumc (university hospital).