Sensoria launches walking app to help with recovery time

Tue 24 May 2016

The Sensoria Walk app, together with the Sensoria socks, can help people monitor their walking activities during recovery after e.g. a stroke or an operation. By monitoring and analysing the activities, these less mobile patients can find a more efficient and shorter path to recovery.

According to Alick Law, Sensoria's director marketing & business development, the app was developed for people in specific circumstances where a wrist based wearable is less usefull as a tracking device, for example when people are using a walker. The Sensoria app synchronises with the Sensoria Smart Socks, introduced in May 2015. Using sensors in the socks it is possible to monitor a wide range of elements during a walking activity, such as number and lenght of steps.

Davide Vigano, co founder and Sensoria CEO, quotes from a 2013 Mayo Clinic Research that points out a direct link between activities and recovery time. Most wrist based tracking devices are unable to track walking activities in sufficient detail to help out with walking activities for people that are partially immobilised e.g. due to a stroke or as a result of surgery.

By placing sensors in socks and combining them in realtime with an app to gather and analyse information regarding the walking activity, patients or health professionals can work out the best activity for each patient.