Small Florida community uses technology to create a healthy lifestyle

Mon 3 April 2017

To further the healthy lives of its residents, developers of Lake Nona have partnered with Jiyo, a digital wellness platform designed to improve health and wellbeing. Collaborating with Jiyo further cements Lake Nona as a ‘medical city’, a nickname it has earned by focussing on the health and wellbeing of its residents.

A customized healthy lifestyle

Jiyo, founded by Dr. Deepak Chopra, will provide Lake Nona residents with access to customized content focussed on the five pillars of wellbeing: personal growth, exercise, nutrition, sleep and relationships. The app tracks users’ behaviour and offers insights and suggestions based on daily habits. Users can share “Moments” and “Wellfies” with others in their area, challenge a friend through shared tasks, and earn badges. The app connects with wearable technologies to keep data up-to-date and will send users reminders based on their recent activity or health recipes close to mealtimes.

With the launch of Jiyo in Lake Nona, the community becomes the second Jiyo Smart City in the United States. Aspen, Colorado, launched the application in November 2016.


Participating in health and wellness research

Jiyo is not the first health initiative that has made its way to Lake Nona. The community partnered with medical multinational Johnson & Johnson to conduct a longitudinal research study on local health and wellness issues. 2000 residents signed up to participate. The study involved everything from claims data to self-reported survey instruments to biometrics. Johnson & Johnson chose Lake Nona since the community had already such a focus on healthy lifestyles.

Collecting data with Technogym

Another health initiative was announced early 2017, when it became known that Lake Nona would partner with Technogym. Technogym is a supplier of fitness products, services and customized wellness content. Some of Technogym’s products have already found their way into the Smart homes in Lake Nona. Residents of the area can expect Technogym equipment on campus, in country clubs, businesses and more.

The collaboration should further integrate fitness and wellbeing into the lives of residents. Eventually, Lake Nona residents should be able to monitor their movement, exercise, sleep and other biometrics. The data collected will provide insight into how active the community is and whether or not a fitness lifestyle can prevent or reduce preventable illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease.

All these initiatives show that Lake Nona definitely honours its ‘medical city’ nickname. The community is a mini lab, in which residents and developers strive to find the key to a healthy life.