The glove Manovue, developed by the company Eyeluminati, is the world's first intelligent personal assistant for the visually impaired. It combines vision intelligence and the internet of things and helps users to read any printed text without knowing the braille language. By providing haptic feedback, the glove also helps people with vision impairments to move around freely outside well-known environments.
The jury said: “This solution allows those affected barrier-free access and therefore social participation. It empowers them to lead an independent live.” Research Scientist and Innovator Roopam Sharma who developed Manovue said: “This is a great honor for me. I thank the organizers of the World Health Summit, the jury, and the people who work with me. Without their support I wouldn’t be here. Believe in your dreams!”
The glove makes the world accessible for blind and visually impaired people
Out of 60 applications from 19 countries, the jury had invited 25 Startups to visit the World Health Summit 2018. The ten finalists had the opportunity to pitch their ideas to the jury and the World Health Summit audience. Attending the World Health Summit provides young entrepreneurs with three days of access to world leaders from science, industry, politics, and civil society to set up future collaborations and get to know potential mentors, investors and board members.
At the World Health Summit (Berlin, October 14-16)), around 2,000 stakeholders and decision-makers from 100 countries and every field in the healthcare spectrum worked together to find solutions for global health challenges. As the world’s foremost strategic forum for Global Health, it promotes thought leadership in science and advances Global Health agendas.
Finalists of The World Health Summit Startup Track:
- Caspar Health (Germany)
- DX-Labtrack (Germany)
- Eyeluminati (India)
- ImmunifyMe (Sri Lanka)
- inveox GmbH (Germany)
- Magnosco GmbH (Germany)
- Pay It Forward (USA)
- SpotSense (India)
- Strand Therapeutics Inc. (USA)
- Wulira App (Uganda)