The initial results have since come in. Erik Gerritsen, the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) explains how the programme has been taking shape.
Self-sufficiency, self-control, and self-care. These are the Ministry of VWS's cabinet objectives for the Netherlands. The Innovation & Healthcare Renewal Programme, which serves this objective, has been in place as of 2015. The initial results have been achieved via the formation of the so-called Informatieberaad and the dutch 'MedMij' programme. Foreign countries are awaiting the results of the 'Dutch Approach' for up-scaling digital care with interest.
The Netherlands is most competitive EU country and 4th worldwide with high rankings in healthcare, education, infrastructure with focus on innovation & technology.
You can read the article in the upcoming issue of ICT&health International. Subscribe here!
The Dutch healthcare policy is based on shared responsibility
Tue 9 May 2017
