This Startup Created An Unique Hearing Test

Thu 23 August 2018

– More than 650 million people have some sort of hearing impairment, but only one out of forty has any sort of treatment. While most of the thirty-nine out of forty have access to smartphones – and could immediately hear better. Starting with an intuitive and very accurate hearing test app was our first step to empower people to understand if they have a problem at all. And then offer better hearing with our new app Mimi Music – says Henrik Matthies, Co-Founder.

Mimi’s sound personalization technology was developed by a team of forty in-house specialists working in close cooperation with Charité – Berlin University of Medicine, one of the largest university hospitals in Europe. The Mimi Hearing Test is a medical product in Europe (CE, class 1).

Mimi Hearing Test (over 1.5 million downloads) enables people to check how they hear in everyday situation. It gives understandable results in about 6 minutes.


  • Modern testing paradigm – Easy-to-use and in-depth testing of a wide range of frequencies (125 Hz-12 kHz)

  • Get instant results – Tangible insights to help you reflect on your hearing health.

  • Track your hearing – See how your hearing has changed over time.

  • Export results – Print your results to share with friends or medical professionals.

  • Compatibility with HealthKit – Easily import your demographic data from the Health app and compare your hearing results.


[caption id="attachment_24859" align="aligncenter" width="900"]ehealth Hearing Test Mimi Hearing Test[/caption]


The Mimi Music player works off an unique hearing profile, determined by hearing age and personal hearing test results, to tune music to the unique way of hearing. Mimi creates a hearing profile using the test technology (based on the Hearing Test in the App Store) and plays back music adjusted for user’s ears.


  • Listen to your music (from Spotify, Soundcloud, or iTunes) with more clarity and detail

  • Mimi adapts sound to your individual hearing capability, allowing you to rediscover your love for music

  • Turn the volume down and enjoy healthy listening

[caption id="attachment_24860" align="aligncenter" width="976"]Mimi Music hearing test Ehealth Mimi Music[/caption]