UCB, ByteFlies, collaborate in wearable pilot to monitor epileptic seizures

Wed 23 August 2017

This collaboration with UCB, active in the field of research and development of medicines to support the management of epilepsy, is an important step forward for Byteflies. It builds upon a recent funding round from a group of American and Belgian investors which raised $600,000.

Byteflies has the ambition to become the reference in wearable health solutions. With its toolkit of specialized wearables, and an accompanying data platform, Byteflies is targeting the pharmaceutical industry, start-ups and research groups. Before the end of this year, Byteflies plans to launch its very own wearable health toolkit which builds upon the company’s own wearable technology, can dramatically accelerate clinical trials and research.

Pilot project for difficult to measure seizures

Currently, Byteflies wearables are being used in a monitoring project for UCB. As part of a consortium, which includes UCB, the University of Leuven, the Leuven University Hospital and product developer PiliPili, Byteflies is providing discreet and accurate monitoring of difficult to measure seizures in a test group of patients.

“UCB is collaborating with ByteFlies to evaluate the benefits of measuring patient symptoms and experiences which, in the future, could support individually tailored care approaches” says Erik Janssen, VP, Head of Innovative Solutions, Neurology Patient Value Unit, UCB. “Everything we do at UCB is inspired by patients, and driven by science. In this regard, harnessing technology and innovation are crucial elements in our mission to provide maximum value to those patients who need it the most”.

Funding provides expertise of investors

Byteflies recently raised $600,000 in capital from a group of private investors in the United States and in Belgium. "This funding will not only give us the necessary resources to grow, but also provides us with the expertise of our investors to lead our company towards the next step," explains Hans Danneels, CEO and co-founder of Byteflies.

Headquartered in Belgium, Byteflies sits at the center of pharmaceutical innovation, with a strong Belgian tradition in the field of clinical research. Its second office, located in Silicon Valley, operates in the heart of digital innovation.