Watch Apple’s Vision Of The Future Of Healthcare From 1988

Fri 12 October 2018
Digital Health

Predicting the future is not an easy thing. But Apple was always good in creating breakthrough innovations and technologies, visionary ideas and products. In a movie presented three decades ago – in a time when most of today’s IT solutions didn’t exist – we see medicine and healthcare in 2008. Let’s compare Apple’s dreams with reality.

Telemedicine consultations are already there but for an AI-driven voice hospital assistant that composes individualized menu we will have to wait a long time. MRI images are much more better than we could imagine in the 90’s. We are far from big data analysis or medication costs simulations like these ones showed in the video. Apple didn’t predicted wearables, smartphones or apps but we have to remember that the first Macintosh was introduced by Steve Jobs just in 1984. Watch the full video!