Who Launched An Initative To Accelerate Digital Health Adoption

Mon 14 January 2019
Digital Health

The symposium will engage Member States, partners and key thought leaders in a dialogue to shape the priorities for public health action in accelerating the adoption of digital health in the Member States of the WHO European Region, and will gather further input towards the development of a European vision and roadmap for the digitalization of national health systems.

The aim of the Symposium is to engage Member States, partners and key thought leaders in a dialogue to shape the priorities for public health action to accelerate digital health in the WHO European Region, and to gather further input towards the development of a European vision and roadmap for the digitalization of national health systems.

Digital health plays a significant role in achieving the key public health priorities

The Symposium will take place over two and a half days and serve as an opportunity for participants to explore, identify and understand:

  • digital health and emerging innovations being used to strengthen national health systems, and WHO’s role in supporting countries to achieve success in digital health;

  • key activities in digital health that countries in the Region are actively working on;

  • digital technologies empowering individuals, supporting health-care workers and contributing to key national health policy objectives.

The Symposium will be composed of plenary sessions exploring topics relevant to digital health. Focused parallel sessions will further identify enablers, challenges and gaps in the digitalization of health systems and health-care delivery, as well as propose tangible actions for accelerating progress in adopting digital health for achieving public health priorities.

In May 2018, during the Seventy-first World Health Assembly, WHO Member States adopted resolution WHA71.7 which frames the role of digital health within the agenda for health system strengthening and “as a means of promoting equitable, affordable and universal access to health for all”.

Participation in the symposium is by invitation only.


Video: Stein Olav Skrøvseth, Director for the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research is proud to collaborate with WHO/Europe. He believes the symposium in Copenhagen on 6-8 February 2019 will advance the understanding and use of digital technologies in health and highlight their role in strengthening national health systems and improving the health and well-being of European populations.
