ICT&health World Conference 2025
Welcome to the ICT&health World Conference 2025, the premier annual event where the future of healthcare comes to life. From January 28 to 30, 2025, we open the doors at the MECC Maastricht in the Netherlands. This conference brings together policymakers, executives, healthcare professionals, IT experts, program managers, investors, visionaries, and innovators from around the world. Join us to explore the latest developments, share valuable insights, and collaboratively shape the future of healthcare.
Tuesday 28 till Thursday 30 January 2025
Mecc Maastricht
Registration for this event is unavailable.
From January 28 to 30, 2025, the annual ICT&health World Conference opens its doors to showcase groundbreaking innovations, cutting-edge technologies, and invaluable insights that are shaping the future of healthcare and empowering your organization to thrive.
Why Participate?
Meet fellow professionals from around the world, learn from successful experiences, share knowledge, expand your network, explore collaborations, and contribute to the success of tomorrow's healthcare. The ICT&health World Conference 2025 is the premier meeting place for government officials, policymakers, executives, healthcare professionals, medical experts, IT specialists, program managers, investors, visionaries, and innovators in healthcare, where the future of healthcare comes to life. (Register now!)
What to Expect?
The conference kicks off with a look into the future of healthcare, where experts present the latest innovations such as artificial intelligence and big data analysis. Discover how digital, patient-centric care improves patient experiences with examples of personalized care, telemedicine, and remote monitoring.
Themes and Topics
Topics covered include:
- Developments and Trends | Smart technologies and innovations that improve, clarify, and simplify management and operations across all areas of healthcare.
- Finance | Smart models, opportunities, and solutions for sustainable and affordable healthcare.
- Patient-Centered Care | Innovations in personalized care, both physical and remote.
- Interoperability | Seamless data exchange between organizations and systems for better collaboration and reduced administrative burdens.
- Telemedicine and Remote Monitoring | Digitization to enhance patient autonomy and improve remote care.
- Cybersecurity | Protecting data to ensure trust in digital healthcare solutions.
- Regulations and Compliance | Current regulations and compliance requirements for digital healthcare solutions.
- AI and Machine Learning | Enhancing diagnostics, treatment planning, and care processes for greater accuracy and efficiency.
- Innovative Care Models | Utilizing digital tools and smart innovations for more efficient healthcare delivery, better outcomes, and a more enjoyable work environment.
- Health Equity and Accessibility | Innovations that promote access to and equality in healthcare.
- Research and Education | Promoting research and education in healthcare for continuous improvement and innovation.
- Nurses | A special and extensive track on Thursday dedicated to nurses
- And much, much more!
The WHO will host special sessions on the global implementation of healthcare innovations, sharing smart strategies and technologies. We will explore the effective use of data for decision-making and the role of standardization in ensuring quality and consistency in digital solutions.
Who Should Attend?
The ICT&health World Conference welcomes government officials, executives, healthcare professionals, IT experts, researchers, innovators, entrepreneurs, investors, patients, advocates, technology providers, students, and anyone passionate about improving healthcare. (Register now!)
From Tuesday, January 28 to Thursday, January 30, 2025, the event offers countless opportunities for nurses to learn and grow. Each day will feature sessions and workshops focused on innovations and practical healthcare solutions. On Thursday, there will also be a special, extensive track dedicated to nurses. Don’t miss a single day!
We celebrate the most groundbreaking technologies and innovations with the ICT&health Global Health Awards. This ceremony honors the most innovative healthcare professionals and executives. This highlight of the conference fosters collaborations and enhances global healthcare. The awards ceremony concludes with a networking reception.
You can apply for accreditation points with your quality register.
Get ready to meet the leading experts in healthcare transformation, innovative developments, and groundbreaking technologies. We are once again welcoming the most prominent voices in the industry to share their visions, expertise, and practical insights at this premier healthcare event.
Stay tuned, as we will soon reveal our impressive line-up of speakers that you won’t want to miss!

Maria Henneman
Conference Host ICT&health
Fleur Agema
Minister, First Deputy Prime Minister Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
Bianca Rouwenhorst
Director of Information Policy/CIO Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
Abigail Norville
Deputy Secretary-General Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, Chair GDHP
Emile Roemer
King’s Commissioner Province of Limburg
David Novillo Ortiz
Head of Digital Health and Data World Health Organization
Helen Mertens
Chair of the Executive Board Maastricht UMC+
Roy Jakobs
CEO Philips
Bas Bloem
Professor of Neurology Radboud University Medical Center
David M. Clark
Emeritus Professor of Experimental Psychology Oxford University
Rebecca Love
Chief Nursing Officer connectRN
Peter O'Halloran
Chief Digital Officer Australian Digital Health Agency
Fennie Wiepkema
Founder and General Manager Thubble
Anil Thapliyal
Executive Director eMental Health International Collaborative
Taimi Allan
Mental Health Commissioner South Australia
Jeroen Tas
CEO Fast&Slow
Jan-Kees Van Wijnen
Member of the board tanteLouise
Lucien Engelen
CEO Transform.Health
Esther Talboom-Kamp
Board of Directors Zuyderland
Annemieke Ålenius
Deputy Director General The Swedish eHealth Agency
Tom Gausden
Lead Life Sciences & Sustainability Patients Know Best
Karine van 't Land
Chair KAMG
Diederik Gommers
Head of Intensive Care/Intensivist Erasmus MC
Maurice van den Bosch
Chairman of the Executive Board Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
Harry Verbunt
Chief Patients Officer Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
Jos de Blok
CEO | Founder Buurtzorg
Erik de Jonge
Gabrielle Speijer
Radiation Oncologist Haga Hospital - Netherlands
Pieter Jeekel
Chair Dutch AI Coalition
Onno Helder
Nurse Scientist Erasmus MC
Caroline Besuijen
CEO Medicinfo
Steven van Kemenade
Medical Director Medicinfo
Marjolein Heemels
Director of Nursing Maastricht UMC+
Sjors Groeneveld
Head Lecturer in Living Technology, PhD Candidate AI in Healthcare Saxion University of Applied Sciences
Mick Olvers
Acting Chair of the Nursing Advisory Council, and Registered Nurse Maastricht UMC+
Renaldo Secchi
CNIO Maastricht UMC+
Michelle Meertens
Chief Nursing Officer and Senior Community Nurse Envida
Ehsan Natour
Cardiothoracic Surgeon and Founder of Stichting Stilgezet Maastricht UMC+
Erik Franck
Associate Professor University of Antwerp
Janne Vanuytrecht
Registered Nurse and Doctoral Researcher University of Antwerp
Veerle Schoeters
Policy Officer Healthcare, Teaching Assistant University of Antwerp
Judith Meijers
Associate Professor Maastricht University
Sandra Zwakhalen
Professor of Nursing Science Maastricht University
Bianca Buurman
President and Professor of Acute Elderly Care V&VN
Jeroen Hendriks
Professor of Cardiovascular Nursing Flinders University
Bas Bredie
Senior Clinical Innovator Radboudumc
Henk Herman Nap
Professor of Value-based Digital Care Innovations Eindhoven University of Technology
Renée Verwey
Senior Researcher and Lecturer Zuyd University of Applied Sciences
Anne Marie Weggelaar
Endowed Professor of Innovation and Transformation in Healthcare Tilburg University
Ary Fischbein
Director Capital and Digital Surgery Johnson & Johnson
Ivo Broeders
Head of the Centre of Artificial Intelligence Meander Medical Center
Marco Derksen
Digital Strategist and Lecturer HAN University of Applied Sciences
Chris Flim
Senior Policy Coordinator Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
John RIjsdijk
Policy Advisor on Information Policy Zorgverzekeraars Nederland
Martijn Nieuwhof
Strategic Policy Advisor Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
Magdalena de Bruin
Senior Policy Advisor Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
Sylvia van Laar
Senior Policy Advisor for Digital Health Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
Rene Meijer
Policy Advisor Innovations Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
Ilse van 't Hof
Information Management Advisor CIBG
Birte Van Elk
Policy Advisor for Digital Health Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
Wim Hafkamp
Director Z-CERT
Laurens Rijpstra
Policy Advisor for Digital Innovation and Data Exchange Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
Bart Brandenburg
Program Coordinator Personal Health Environment Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
Toosje Valkenburg
Special Envoy for Administrative Burden Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
Bas van Nispen
CEO Ksyos
Sil Aarts
Assistant Professor Maastricht University
Theo Hooghiemstra
Founder & Director Hooghiemstra & Partners
Lisette van Gemert-Pijnen
Emeritus Professor of Persuasive Health Technology University of Twente
Nanne Aben
Senior Machine Learning Engineer, Kaiko.ai
Veerle Struben
Chief Medical Officer Kaiko.ai
Daniel Schut
Team Manager Information Exchange Enovation
Bas Geukes
Coordinator eHealth Groene Hart Hospital
Fleur Maagdenberg
Product Owner Enovation
Glenn Bruins
Innovation Lead Enovation
Fred Hoekstra
Yvonne Blom
Coordinator Datahub GGD Drenthe
Bart Scheerder
Business developer data science and AI UMCG
Ger Schuivens
Roel van Reij
Project Lead and Data Scientist Conclusion Mediaan
Dirk Bongers
Data Driven Innovation Manager BlueTea
Mark Drost
Trusted Advisor Route443
Sascha Schikowski
Security Expert Route443
Claudia Brandenburg
Financial Advisory Deloitte
Lucas Simons
Founder and Author NewForesight
Patty van Hemskerk
Program Director PIEZO
Quinten van Geest
Project leader PIEZO
Brigitte Boon
Endowed Professor and Executive Academy Het Dorp
Ruuud de Nooij
Innovation Advisor Academy Het Dorp
Agnes van der Poel
Programme Manager Research Academy Het Dorp
Bart de Gans
Relationship Manager MedMij
Liesbeth Hak
Programme Manager HDAB-NL ICTU
Kejan Beemer
Coordinating Policy Officer Wegiz Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
Wendy Hugoosgift-Contreras
Coordinating Policy Officer Wegiz Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
Marc Hoekstra
Implementation Manager Generic Functions Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
Thomas van der Lans
Senior policy advisor Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
Ron Obbens
Technical Implementation Manager Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
Bart Kerver
Senior Specialist Authenticatie & Identificatie Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
Thomas Hellebrand
Senior Policy Advisor EHDS Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
Avsarhan Tanir
Senior Advisor Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
Carl Moons
Professor of Clinical Epidemiology UMC Utrecht
Daniel Vijlbrief
Neonatologist and educator UMC Utrecht
Laura Veerhoek
Data Scientist Digital Health UMC Utrecht
Annelotte Rasenberg
Implementation Consultant Minddistrict
Carla van Velden-Hollander
Manager of Acute Care Coöperation Cohesie U.A.
Ellen Engelen
Regional Project Leader Room To
Nathalie Peters
Emergency Physician Viecuri Medical Centre
Mike van Loef
regional coordinator Met Spoed Beschikbaar
Maurice Magnée
Professor of Technology for Health HAN University of Applied Sciences
Tom van de Belt
Digital health researcher HAN University of Applied Sciences
Astrid Timman
Lecturer, Researcher HAN University of Applied Sciences
Gert-Jan Mauritz
Emergency physician Isala Hospital
Jorn Eerhard
Emergency Physician Isala Hospital
David Kooiman
Team Leader Implementation Management VZVZ
Joris Smits
Director of Operations VZVZ
Tess Rutgers
Founder ValueTrack Health
Heikki Pitkänen
Founder Lean Entries
Jesper Grønbæk
Founder & CEO Health Tech Hub Copenhagen
Signe Ulrik Holm
Project manager Danish Life Science Cluster
Mirjam Mulder
Chief Representative NBSO
Nicky Hekster
Executive professor Netherlands AI Coalition
Maxime Lübers
Program Manager Healthtech Techleap
Arjan Goudsblom
Startup Liaison Techleap
Hans Luyckx
Founder and owner Advice and Training
Samar Hashemi
Senior Policy Advisor Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
Edith van de Weg
Senior Advisor Health and Care Dutch AI Coalition
Marcel Alberti
Co-founder HealthSage AI
Concha van Rijssel
Design innovator Radboudumc
Robin Hooijer
Design innovator Radboudumc
Hans van Vlaanderen
Managing Director ZorgTTP
Thijs Veugen
Senior Scientist TNO
Martine van de Gaar
CEO Linksight
Freya de Mink
Business developer Roseman Labs
Willem Blaak
Coordinator of the Technical Operations Office Albert Schweitzer Hospital
Paul Cobben
5G Innovation Lead KPN Health
Sander Last
Market Development Medtronic
Jean-Gilles Ruijters
Diabetes Nurse Maastricht UMC+
Angelique Hugens
Nurse Practitioner Maastricht UMC+
Arjen Lakerveld
Senior Business Manager Medtronic
Stijn Schretlen
Managing Consultant Medtronic
Noud Peppelenbosch
Medical Head of Operative Care Maastricht UMC+
Sandra Van Arenbergh
Development Specialist for Digital Surgery Medtronic
Niels Bossers
Principal Consultant Medtronic
Elise Wirix
Senior Consultant Integrated Health Solutions Medtronic
Geert van Hout
Cardiologist Sint Antonius Hospital
Laurine Beele
Youth Ambassador Hilversum Municipal Gymnasium
Dennis Japink
Medical Advisor Digital Healthcare Zorgverzekeraars Nederland
Judith Peeters
Program Manager of Community Nursing MeanderGroep
Rene Bouma
Strategic advisor Zilveren Kruis
Martine Busch
Director Praag Instituut
Ger Janssen
AI Ethics & Compliance Lead Philips
Arlette van Wissen
Responsible & Sustainable AI Lead Philips
Barbara Koops
Head of Usability Philips
Axel van Boxtel
Business Development Manager Philips
Arno van der Heijden
Cyber Security Specialist & Advisor Philips
Jacobien Oosterhoff
Medical Doctor, Responsible AI Lead Accenture
Bart Schoenmakers
Generative AI Lead Accenture
Joris Kampmeijer
Head of Information Management Medicines Evaluation Board
Corry Wouters
Program manager Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
Annet Rozema
Project Leader CCMO
Emil Fraai
Senior Advisor Healthcare Providers MedMij
Sharmaine van den Hoek
Lead Remote Healthcare KPN Health
Stef Mentzel
Chief Information Officer KPN Health
Dirk de Wit
Head of Product Security Philips
Frederique Beelen
Business Unit Leader for CI&I Philips
Jethro Vermeiren
Modality Sales Specialist Enterprise Informatics Philips
Leonique Niessen
Director Nictiz
Walter Kraan
CIO, COO Nictiz
Dick-Jan Zijda
AI Strategist Nictiz
Berber Pas
Program Director Healthy Data Radboudumc
Stijn Bruls
PhD candidate digitalization of healthcare Radboudumc
Igor Schoonbrood
Healthcare Architect Maastricht UMC+
Rien Wertheim
Founder | CEO Firely
Wim Eurlings
Board Advisor Zuyderland Medical Center
Severin Kohler
Health Informatician openEHR
Gasper Andrejc
Founder openFHIR
Martin van der Meer
Co-Owner Code24
Bouwe Koopal
Evangelist low-code, openEHR, and FHIR PragmatiQ
Hans Canisius
Jordi Piera Jiménez
Digital Health Strategy Catalan Health Service
Sebastian Iancu
CO-Owner Code24
Stefan Scharps
Vice President Vitagroup AG
Sidharth Ramesh
Expert FHIR and openEHR Medblocks
Gerda Meijboom
Information architect Nictiz
Vebjørn Arntzen
CKA Lead openEHR International
Wouter Zanen
Information Architect NictizMain partners

KPN Health
Zuyderland MC
Johnson & Johnson
WSK Medical
openEHR International Partners
Zorgverzekeraars NL
Bastion 365
HQ Healthcare
Alphatron Medical
TU Delft
Welcome to the video page of the ICT&health World Conference! Here After you can watch the videos of our global keynotes and their sessions both before and after the conference.
MECC Maastricht
The ICT&health World Conference is the place for government officials, leaders, professionals, businesses, and innovators in healthcare. It is the international hub for the future of healthcare in the Netherlands.
MECC Maastricht (main entrance)
Forum 100 6229 GV Maastricht, Limburg
Planning to attend our conference and looking for a comfortable place to stay? Just like many of our other guests, you can book your hotel here and enjoy a pleasant overnight experience.
As you approach Maastricht, you will see ‘MECC’ indicated on motorway signs; these will guide you to the MECC Maastricht car parks. Coming from Amsterdam/Eindhoven, take exit 55 (Randwyck-MECC) and from Paris-Liège take exit 56 (Gronsveld-MECC).
Open in MapsBus
A bus leaves every five minutes from Maastricht city centre or Maastricht Central Station headed to MECC Maastricht (Forum MECC bus stop).
Plan your trip with 9292ov.nlTrain
The Maastricht-Randwyck train station is 250 metres from MECC Maastricht, and is connected to an international rail network. There are also regular connections to Maastricht Central Station which is part of the (inter)national rail network.
Plan your trip with 9292ov.nlAirplane
Maastricht-Aachen Airport is 10 km from MECC Maastricht, and MECC Maastricht is 15 minutes from the airport by car, taxi or bus.
Plan your tripDiscover Maastricht
Welcome to the ICT&health World Conference in the vibrant city of Maastricht! Nestled in the heart of Europe, this historic city provides the perfect backdrop for groundbreaking discussions and advancements in the fields of ICT and healthcare. Maastricht, the pearl of the south, captivates its visitors with centuries-old charm and a cosmopolitan atmosphere. Stroll through picturesque streets and immerse yourself in the rich history manifested in impressive architecture, such as the Basilica of Saint Servatius and the Onze-Lieve-Vrouweplein.
The city breathes innovation and progress, reflected in the advanced facilities of the MECC Maastricht, your host for this conference. Here, state-of-the-art technologies converge with a welcoming environment, making it the ideal venue for sharing knowledge and forging new collaborations. Maastricht, with its international allure, is home to a diverse community of scholars, entrepreneurs, and professionals in the fields of health and technology. The city serves as a breeding ground for creative ideas and pioneering initiatives shaping the future of healthcare.
In addition to the conference program, the lively restaurants, cozy cafes, and lots of unique boutiques invite you to experience the local lifestyle. Discover the flavors of Limburg cuisine and savor the warm hospitality that Maastricht has to offer. We hope that this conference will not only be a platform for knowledge exchange but also an opportunity to embrace Maastricht – a city where history and progress go hand in hand. Welcome to Maastricht, where the future of ICT and healthcare is being written!