2nd International Policy Forum during the ICT&health World Conference

Thu 9 May 2024

On the first day of the ICT&health World Conference, on May 14, the second edition of the International Policy Forum (IPF) will be held. The hosts of the IPF are the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport and ICT&health. The second edition builds on the success of the first IPF, held in Sydney in July 2023.

The Forum uses the international presence and substantive expertise present at this important event in Maastricht. The focus will be on advancing efforts to modernize healthcare through the application and use of digital technologies and services, and on moving healthcare towards an increasingly digital society.

Promote international cooperation

The IPF is a session under Chatham House Rule and is by invitation only (max. 50 participants). The Forum is designed as a facilitated event and venue to enable productive discussions and promote international cooperation. Active participation is essential and participants must be prepared to contribute to the discussion, sharing and challenging of ideas. Some will be called directly to share perspectives. Would you like to participate in this private meeting and do you meet the description of potential participants? Then you can request an invitation by e-mail via: di-internationaal@minvws.nl. VWS will then assess all applications and invite a select group.

The IPF consists of senior government executives, international VIPs and potential ministerial delegations, supplemented by senior representatives from the industry and scientific community. Government, policy makers, digital health and research leaders and nominated industry representatives will be invited to attend. The special invitations to participate will be issued in collaboration with government partners.

The organization of the ICT&health World Conference offers the Forum a unique opportunity to organize policy discussions, share international approaches and lessons learned and leverage knowledge and expertise for a focused dialogue on contemporary issues that enable major systemic changes.

Purpose of the IPF

The International Policy Forum will assist those responsible in building trust in the healthcare system, addressing sustainability and cost challenges, and the role of digital health as healthcare faces its most pressing challenges in a generation .

The Forum aims to achieve the following:
• Shared understanding of international trends in digital healthcare in relation to healthcare services
• Increase understanding of different approaches and priorities around the world
• Identify opportunities where there is potential for cross-collaboration and leveraging existing work

Agenda 2nd International Policy Forum

Timing Topic Lead Format Outcomes
9.15 – 10.45am ICT&health World Congress Opening Keynote session (all IPF delegates invited to attend)

9.15 – 9.30am Opening and welcome Bianca Rouwenhorst, Director of Information Policy/CIO, Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport

09:30 - 10:45 Keynote address Lucien Engelen, CEO, Future Health Helen Mertens, CEO, Maastricht UMC+ John Halamka, President, Mayo Clinic Platform
10.45– 11.30am Morning tea
11.30 – 11.45am Welcome to the 2nd International Policy Forum Herko Coomans, International Digital Health Coordinator, Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, The Netherlands (NL) Prof Rachel Dunscombe, CEO, openEHR | Visiting Professor, Imperial College London | Chair of the International Policy Forum (UK) Welcome attendees Set the agenda for the forum Expectations on attendees Highlight what participants can expect
11.45 – 1.00pm Setting the scene – Global perspective, healthcare trends, digital and societal trends, sustainability of health and social care David Nicholson, Managing Principal UK Middle East and Europe, Tektology (UK) Presentation & facilitated conversation
1.00 – 1.30pm Lunch
1.30 – 2.50pm What is the target operating model for the health system of the future? Prof Rachel Dunscombe, Chair of the Forum (UK) Presentation & facilitated conversation
2.50 – 3.30pm What are consumers looking for? Dave deBronkart, e-Patient Dave – the one and only! (USA) Presentation & reply
3.30 – 4.00pm Afternoon tea
4.00 – 4.45pm Playing outside the rules – Consumers & tech innovators as threats or opportunities? Dr Louise Schaper, Global digital innovation leader, Health Intelligence Agency (AU) Presentation & facilitated conversation
4.45-6.00pm Recommendations for building the digitally enabled target operating model of the future David Nicholson, Managing Principal UK Middle East and Europe, Tektology (UK) Workshop Outcome:Recommendations for our global communique for policy, governments and health systems
6.00 – 6.15pm Bringing it together Prof Rachel Dunscombe Dr Louise Schaper Herko Coomans IPF wrap up & next steps
6.15pm Close